Category: Arctic Places

Preparing myself for the tour

When preparing for a tour you should always ensure you have read all the information provided, have all the correct equipment, and are feeling prepared yourself for the evening ahead. Our team will always do their best, every night of the season – BUT the guests’ involvement in the activity will also greatly impact the […]

Stay warm, friends!

How to stay warm in Tromsø  To enjoy your time in Tromsø as much as possible, we recommend you choose function over fashion.  For the shoes: Try to wear loose-fitting enclosed shoes, we would suggest bringing crampons or purchasing them locally when you arrive as often the city center is very icy and windy!    Layers […]

Bli med oss ​​på Senja med sommerkajakkturer

Villmarken er rett rundt hjørnet! Ta en nærmere titt på den norske kystlinjen med sine vakre sommerøyer mens du kajakker gjennom arktiske farvann. Utforsk den sørlige delen av Senja sine småøyer. Opplev noe av det beste den norske kystlinjen har å by på av fjorder, øyer og fjell. Under turen vil vi finne det beste […]

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